Pramod Mahajan passed away

I never subscribed to his political beliefs. Frankly, I did not find him respectable as a person either. Still my heart was drenched in pity when I heard that he was no more, perhaps because of his premature and tragic death. Pramod Mahajan will be missed in Indian politics.
@mandykline5798509445: Long time, no see, yaar... Glad to meet you after so many years. Remember, we together watched the Crucifixion of Jesus in Jerusalem some 2000 years back. You, at the sight of the agony of Jesus, broke into tears on my shoulder and I tried to console you vainly, wiped tears on your cheeks with my silk handkerchief. My heart widens in immeasurable pride when I think how we fought together side by side grittily against the mighty British on the battlefield of Plassey.
Very pleased to know that you are in academic profession as I'm too. But man! you offer Ph.D. in twooo weeks? It's too long a time, mate!! forgive me, very bad deal. Is it an honorary one?
yourfan is back.
your response to GB's observation of you not having a life beyond his blog is awaited with bated breath!
@informers: thanks. I don't have a life, I only have an IP address what GB tracks his whole life.
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