Sunday, July 30, 2006

Aggression by Israel and it's covering up by the US media

These days, media, both electronic and print, are the only interface through which the masses look at various momentous events around the world. It takes no time to infer how much power the media wield in shaping up public mind, in influencing them to make their decisions and judgments. Now think of the scenario when the entire media are systematically hijacked to carry out a propaganda campaign for a particular group or purpose. So you no longer have access to the facts. In the words of Don Maclean, it is time to sing then,

"Bye bye Miss American Pie
That'll be day that I die".

Please set aside some of your precious tme-- it's worth it-- to watch the following video clip in entirety to know how the masters of the wars are cooldbloodedly denying the public some true realities of the recent middle-east crisis to suit their purposes of legitimizing the wars. I'm sure this clip is also not much publicized in the mainstream media. Nevertheless, I try to keep an open mind. If you really have some counter-points against what is shown on the video, do not hesitate to vent your protest in the comments section.

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