Carol Gracias: A woman with the heart of a lion

No doubt Carol is a tigress. Modeling is just like any other profession that demands respect for the hard work and discipline involved in it. There is absolutely no reason to conclude like many hypocritical flag-bearers of Indian culture that Carol bared herself intentionally on the ramp and, afterwards, faked tears for publicity. I think that those self-inducted ambassadors of Indian culture now need to grow up and break out of their narrow world of old stereotypes and myths. It is terribly unkind to accuse Carol of feigning innocence when she needs us by her side after this traumatic experience and to be praised for the courage and professionalism she displayed at that time. Remember, when the custom of Sati was practiced on the sacred soil of India, there was also a class of self-installed representatives of the Hindu society who thought that custom justified and Rammohan Ray had been threatened for life many a time for trying to abolish it.
I hope that you have understood that the pictures are arranged in the reverse order of occurrence.
P.S. Added to the picture is a bit of my original and creative brushwork which was not present when those pictures were first published in here. The curious readers are kindly directed to the accompanying comment space. Thanks!!
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Say! if you know that she is extremely embarrased about the whole incident, why did you post the pic in your blog? Forget about Gracias herself, I found it so cheesy! But but but, I shall add a word of thanks...we had this quiz yesterday where one of the visuals in the prelims was hers ( in very little attire, but vital statistics covered ofcourse) and had i not seen her in your blog, I would have never guessed it. That's not the only reason for thanking you, for that one mark, we qualified in the prelims so yahoooooooo!!!! ( Google - I am not scared!) and thanks again!
@anwesha: Right on. The picture betrays the spirit of the post. No argument is tenable in defense of that, therefore, I shall not. While I am very much loyal to my convictions that are made clear in the post, in an over-excitement of offering my readership a picture which is not ubiquitous on the Web, I failed to realize that it might entirely contradict my true opinion about the whole incident. Thanks for your insightful comments. Perhaps you've already noticed my profoundly artistic touches on them. In a digression I must assert that I did not find the picture vulgar at all; on the contrary Carol Gracias in that spiffy headgear, as shown in the picture, looked just like a tigress, who in all her majesty and arrogance is ready to pounce upon her prey. However, this is not an excuse to post the pictures uncensored.
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@hutumthumo: Thanks for the kind words... The notion of vulgarity, to a great extent, depends on your cultural bent and the sensibilities that grow from that cultural orientation. The first time when I found myself in a nudist beach in Europe, I was violently shocked. And the shock was so great that, for a long stretch of time after that, I constantly debated myself my convictions about civility, culture, respectability, behaviors and the like which I had built slowly bit by bit over a long time . It was a terrible blow, when I saw someone, whom I respected a lot and of course still do, walking the beach with his wife in the nude. What I realized in the end is that nudity should not be equated with vulgarity. Vulgarity originates from the poverty of mind, nudity may not. Later on, when I started going to a gym, in the shower I saw men taking a bath stark nude and nobody is really bothered about others and there are no chuckles or half-suppressed giggles on anyone’s face (yes, ladies’ shower is a separate one in the gym. But a part of me constantly prods me to believe that there will be one common shower for men and women in distant future). At that time I was not at all surprised by that.
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